Saturday, September 14, 2013

Primitive Art

"Deer and Buffalo Roaming"
24" x 24" encaustic on panel

Taken from my artist statement: As man’s impact on the landscape changes the world around us, there is still comfort in the ageless consistencies captured through primitive art. The exploration of cave paintings and Native symbols has influenced my recent work. Organic pigments created from soil and minerals used in the earliest art forms outline our history and the evolution of man. By presenting an interpretation of these “primitive scratchings” I bring the viewer closer to the indomitable human spirit.

Seeing the Lascaux Cave Paintings at the Field Museum led me to this newest work. I was inspired by the simplicity of ideas, execution, and textures. Using encaustic medium I built up texture, re-creating the limestone and cave wall environment. I combined the smooth texture of chiseled, painted figures (animals being the most common) with the rough cave-like limestone background.

Underneath the top layers of textured wax, there is evidence of earth-toned pigments peeking through. It was important to me to have both a smooth and bumpy surface; transparent qualities of the wax medium allows for effects that can not be captured with any other medium.

Detailed view of foreground, a better view of the smooth and rough surface.


  1. Very unique and true to an old civilization anywhere in the world. The colors seeping through the layers of texture is lovely!In India we have many cave paintings that have been eternally marvelous!

    1. One day I hope to visit India, and seeing cave art as well as architecture is on the top of my list.

  2. Now this is absolutely stunningly gorgeous, Robin! I've never been a fan of primitive paintings but you've captured so much in this one. The textures and colors look right and as they should be. There is a bit more of a realistic look to the buffalo and deer (or are they antelope?) than I usually see in primitive art. How awesome!!

    1. Some of the figurative cave paintings I saw in the exhibit were actually quite detailed, Sherry. I was surprised, impressed, and truly inspired. You asked if I painted a deer or antelope, the two animals are so closely related and the main thing I wanted to include were the antlers (which both animals have). Much of the cave art represents the hunter as well as the hunted.
